Our Colours
You can view this page as somewhat of a catalogue! By clicking through you can see what's in stock ready to ship and if we don't have your preferred colourway available on your preferred base please send us a message and it can be dyed to order.
Anderbeau Johnson
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. “And that’s how I lost Anderbeau...
Aunt Hilda
Inspired by the legendary aunt from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
Aunt Zelda
Part of our Coven Collection. Inspired by the legendary aunt from Sabrina...
Back in St Olaf
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. This yarn will keep you entertained...
Blood Magick
Part of our Coven Collection. Beautiful deep shades of red with black...
Blue Mountain
Inspired by Blue Mountain Pottery and their gorgeous glazes, we love this...
Borg Queen
Part of our Star Trek collection. Inspired by the legendary Star Trek...
Citrus Festival Ball
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. A beautiful colourway of bright oranges,...
Concrete Jungle
A silvery grey base, speckled with neon yellows and orange.
Cranachan is a traditional Scottish dessert made from toasted oats, cream, raspberries...
Crystalline Enitity
Part of our Star Trek Collection. Based on the unusual creature capable...
'Deceitful Little Sicilian Gecko'
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. Living with your mom can sometimes...
Deep Forest
A very saturated foresty green.
Delta Dawn
Inspired by moody sunrise colours, mauves and orangey pinks melt into one...
Part of our Coven Collection. Gorgeous half and half colourway of smokey...
Door Hinge
The perfect orange, rich yet full of vibrancy!
Double Fudge Cheesecake
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. There is little the Golden Girls...
Dr. Bitchcraft
The only surefire way to disengage your temporomandibular joint, D O C...
A beautiful bright pink base with green and brown speckling.
Gorgeously variegated reds, purples and browns.
Electric Pink
Gorgeous mix of pinks make this yarn a real eye-catcher.
Emerald City
A fabulous emerald green semi-solid.
Fifty-Year-Old Mattress
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. Sophia’s best insult towards Blanche. The...
Galactic Barrier
Part of our Star Trek collection. Named after the spatial phenomenon featured...
Gandalf the Gay
A magical man with long hair and a dress? Gay. A pretty...
Golden Gorl
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. A beautiful vibrant yellow gold semi-solid.
Granny's Tablet
No, Granny does not have an i-pad - well maybe - tablet...
HAHA's Hotdog Hacienda
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. Inspired by Dorothy’s surprise birthday party...
Warm and cosy, full of pinks and reds.
Ink Spill
A beautiful inky blue base speckled with oranges and greens.
Jack O'Lantern
It's always Halloween vibes at The Wee Yarn Company. A gorgeous pumpkin...
Jaffa Cake
Beautifully rich browns and deep oranges fade into one another and remind...
Who doesn't want to be Kermit?
Klingon Bloodwine
Part of our Star Trek collection. Named after the Klingon beverage of...
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. Inspired by one of Dorothy’s scathing...
Last of the Summer Whine
If you are anything like me you'll be whining all summer long...
Lizard People
An all over speckled colourway with bright greens and purples. Perfect for...
Lwaxana Troi
Part of our Star Trek Collection. Inspired by her wonderful and entirely...
Malleus Maleficarum
Part of our Coven Collection. Translating as the Hammer of the Witches....
Mycelial Network
Part of our Star Trek collection. Inspired by Star Trek Discovery's Spore...
Not Lebanese Blanche, Lesbian!
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. One of the iconic queer moments...
On the Lanai
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. Hanging out in the beautiful Miami...
Pastel Goth
Pale, silvery lilac base sprinkled with pinks and yellows.
Pendle Hill
Part of our Coven Collection. Inspired by the Pendle witch trials, which...
Spicy and sweet, a perfect rich yellow.
Picture it, Sicily 1922
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. Who doesn’t need a life lesson...
Practical Magic
Part of our Coven Collection. The perfect mix of Halloween colours, named...
Pumpkin Patch
An all over variagated colourway with rich oranges, golds and deep greens.
Purple Burglar Alarm
A super vibrant rich purple semi-solid.
Parma Violets
Pretty shades of purple, pinks and lavender.
Raining Cats and Pepperoni
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. A very common phrase back in...
Riots Not Diets
A vibrant pink base with a colourful speckled section. This colourway is...
Rooms on Fire
Bright greens and oranges, speckled with deeper browns and navy.
Rosy Maple
Beautiful mix of pink and gold.
Rot Girl Summer
A bright blue base speckled with purple and deep blues.
Scottish Primrose
The primrose is a very important flower to me and this colourway...
Shady Pines, Ma!
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. The best retirement home in the...
Shut Up, Rose!
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. Inspired by the ubiquitous phrase from...
Slime on a Shingle
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. A real Sicilian knows good pizza....
A gorgeous lavender base with flashes of orange and pink.
Soor Ploom
A vibrant acid green semi-solid.
Vibrant purples and blue.
Starry Starry Night
Flashes of starry yellow break up the deep greens and night sky...
Summer Cannibals
A beautiful variagated colourway of pinks, reds and purple.
Swamp Witch
Part of our Coven Collection. An intriguing mix of deep greens and...
Tall Disappointment
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. Named after one of Sophia’s best...
The Bell Witch
Part of our Coven Collection. Inspired by the Bell Witch, from American...
The Gay Agenda
Shhh! It's a secret! Say hello to The Gay Agenda, super bright...
The Great Herring War
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. A war over pickling the herring...
The Hex Girls
Part of our Coven Collection. Named after the female rockband from Scooby...
The Venuchio Vendetta
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. Named after Sophia’s family vendetta with...
Deep and moody mix of greens, reds and purples.
Tipping the Velvet
A rich and deep semi-solid purple.
Too Ugly to Live
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. One of Dorothy’s best moments of...
Toxic Waste
A black base with a neon yellow and green section. This colourway...
Turning Leaves
Gorgeous autumnal mix of oranges and greens.
Two Merry Widows
Part of our Golden Girls Collection. Inspired by Rose and Blanche’s dancing...
Uncut Gems
A variagated mix of pinks, oranges, purples and a dash of green.
Under the Boardwalk
A blue base with a colourful speckled section. This colourway is designed for...
USS Discovery
Part of our Star Trek collection. Inspired by the USS Discovery and...
Venus Fly Trap
A bright green base with a speckled section full of neon oranges,...
Witch's Brew
A magical mix of deep greens, yellows and inky blues.
Witching Hour
Almost completely black, but in the right light reveals gorgeous tones of...
Yellow Alert
Part of our Star Trek Collection. Named after the second highest alert...